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Filed under: Anbefales, Bror — Stikkord: , , , , — Invi @ 00:16

Long time no see, ja? Jeg antar at bror har holdt dere oppdatert, dere som har noe med saken å gjøre.

Without further ado,  her er loggen fra liveshowet bror og jeg hadde i anledning «Wahey, vi får høre igjennom det nye albumet til Placebo!» Kos dere.

-I… Am… In love.
-You know, if this had been released alone, I would’ve played it over and over again a million times.
-Just like I did with the Battle for the Sun and For What it’s Worth.
-We should perhaps state what song we’re talking about-
-Oh yes.
-Hello, guys! This is Invi and B speaking, welcome to the live show
-We’ve both put off listening to Battle for the Sun – the album – until now, just to entertain you guys instead.
-In other words, you better be damn grateful.
-We’re also going to completely ignore your input and ramble on as usual.
-We were just talking about Kitty Litter.
-Now moving on to Ashtray Heart.
-I’m loving the background random game-ish music. Like the Tetris interlude in For What It’s Worth.
-And the random… Backgrund spanish?
-The background tune is oddly soothing.
-I’m betting Stefan wrote that.
-I thought that too, I mean, it’s a lot like the bass lines from Black Market Music.
-It’s a lot like Placebo’s bass lines in general, really.
-I’m a bit too distracted to pck up lyrics right now, it annoys me
-Odd ending.
-I’m not so sure I liked those last five seconds, but the rest…. Bliss.
-Okay, moving on to the next song, which is the title track.
-…. we’ve heard this so many times by now we know it by heart, but hey, anything for you guys.
-I actually like the repetitiveness of this.
-Yeah, I don’t get why people have been all «ZOMGWTFBBQ Placebo are doing repetitive things!»
-I mean…
-… you guys, that’s sort of what they do.
-You just haven’t noticed before.
-Hahah, clever move, Invi.
-For those of you who have turned the side chat off: Fifty people just posted something along the lines of «FUUUU!»
-I, I, I, I, I have stared down the barrel of a gun, gun, gun, gun, gun….
-I’m going to start talking like that.
-Oh goodness, Invi please don’t, we know what happened the last time you decided to do something like that.
-What? That was FUN!
-Meh, the sound quality of this isn’t too good.
-I can’t wait until I get the LPs.
-You do realize that giving up FOOD was a seriously foolish move, right?
-Meh, shut up, I gained weight beforehand anyway to get through may.
-Whatever you say…
-Actually, that’s not true, I usually argue when it comes to about 90% of the things you say.
-I think it’s more like 80&.
-And thus, dear audience, you know it’s mutual.
-Okay, switching songs.
-Next is… For What It’s Worth.
-Gosh, I remember hearing this for the first time, glued to the BBC One online player.
-That was fun.
-Government funded channels, I love thee.
-Come on, walk with me…
-I made an outsider friend of mine watch the video for this
-And she said she didn’t like videos with labels trying to add depth to things
-I’m not quite sure what I think about the video for this yet, but Placebo have never really been big on music videos
-True… They’re not of the epic kind, but they’re still awesome
-Just not in a huge, glorious way
-Like… The video for Pure Morning is awesome.
-Very true.
-I think it’s a good thing that the video for For What it’s Worth isn’t as epic as the song.
-Anyway, next song iiiis..
-Devil in the Details.
-Oh, I like this, very classic Placebo.
-Perhaps a bit too classic, thus far.
-I think the album as a whole needs that.
-Lyrics-wise this is AWESOME.
-Chills, yes.
-Quick question, how many of you are listening along?
-Anyone waiting for the «real» release?
-In that case, MP3 or real CD/LP?
-For those with additional chat turned off: A couple of dozen people are listening along, about the same amount are waiting.
-How many have listened through it beforehand?
-This has a real kick to it, by the way, I like it
-It’s sidetracked, but not too much.
-I really want to read the lyrics for this, what I’ve picked up so far has been great.
-You can’t see it, of course, but Crumbles has got major goosebumps.
-Okay, next song
-Bright Lights.
-I like the new drummer.
-This is a tad bit… Killers-esque?
-Only up until the point where the vocals kicked in.
-The sound image of this is really good, but a bit haunting.
-Which doesn’t have to be a bad thing, of course.
-You know what I’d like to hear?
-(I forgot to say, only about five people have cheated on us and listened through this beforehand.)
-A song where Molko sings… all the way through. No frequent breaks, fluid singing.
-This is somewhat close, but not enough.
-Hm, yeah, I think I know what you mean
-I agree, that would be interesting, but it would be less… Molko?
-This song is REALLY cute.
-Okay, next song up is Speak in Tongues
-Major expectations for this one
-Molkos favorite and all
-Okay, forget what I said, THIS is really cute.
-In a way.
-The melodic backbeat continues, and it’s awesome.
-This is epic in a different way than what our belived reviewer was talking about.
-B, should we tell them our summer plans?
-Probably for the better….
-I do wonder how they’ll pull this off live, though.
-I’m sure they’ve found a clever way.
-Pretty moaning!
-I knew you’d like that…
-Don’t let them have their way!
-Don’t give in to yesterday!
-The problem with these songs is that they’re so complex you really need something with better sound quality than this fan preview.
-Yeah. Listening to it properly the first time will probably feel all new.
-And… Next song
-The Never-Ending why
-My heartbeat just went to fuck.
-Invi, darling, it always does.
-«Damn you all to hell»
-You have a little friend who will like this song a lot
-Wait, what?
-_I_ like this a lot.
-Both of you, of course.
-But you’re sort of past this stage.
-That’s what you get for being born into things, I guess.
-Side chat: Now spammed with a ton of «lucky bastard»s and «poor you!»s.
-B, are all of these our people?
-Anyway. The song.
-I’m going to be playing this song a ton of times.
-Next song-
-Damnit, I wanted to say that
-… is this the right album?
-It’s…. A froggish techno beat?
-Molko’s voice is, if I may say so, teh sex here.
-But seriously, the beat is scaring me
-Argh, creepy guitar
-I’m seriously creeped out right now.
-Find a friend in whom you can confide!
-Ah, grammar, how I love thee ❤
-Break? EEP.
-I’m going to have to listen to this quite a few times before my brain can grasp it, I think.
-Julien, you’re being taken for a ride!
-Hahah, this song, like the last one, does fit very nicely for a little friend of yours.
-Stop making me think <.<
-You’ll figure it out.
-Julien, you’re a slow-motion suicide!
-I like that.
-I’m thinking «Slow-motion suicide» is a major darling of Molko’s.
-Yes, and it hasn’t been killed.
-Oh, the irony.
-I’d like to hear more of that violin.
-Happy You’re Gone
-Is it just me, or does the acoustic guitar clash a bit here?
-This sounds like it’s been patched together by a handful of other Placebo songs
-Special K + English Summer Rain + Pure Morning, perhaps
-Ths album has a lot of mood swings.
-Just like us!
-It feels a bit like it used to be one long unity, which has been cut up at random points, jumbled and glued together.
-You know you’re going to have to descramble it.
-I thought we weren’t supposed to be talking about that?
-There’s that violin we were missing!
-I think there should be a combination of more violin and more Molko singing fluidly.
-Oh, gosh, YES!
-And now… Breathe Underwater
-The intro made me laugh,, literally
-This is really good.
-Breathe underwater, I’m coming up for air
-… ?
-Invi, no french punctuation!
-This is more symbol-heavy than it sounds.
-It’s the kind of song you could encounter both in a small mosh pit and in an art exhibit.
-In other words, you’ll be blasting it at Burning Man this year.
-I’m thinking…. There are a lot of things you can breathe in.
-Yes indeed
-You can even do like Molko is telling you and stop breathing!
-So, what’s your impression of the new drummer so far?
-I really liked his part in Battle for the Sun
-I think he’s doing great.
-(Moving to Come Undone)
-Somewhat fresh, but still Placebo.
-… and he just so happens to be young and hot.
-I wonder how he landed this gig.
-By landing Molko, perhaps.
-But he IS good.
-I have to admit, the title of this made me think nasty things.
-I like the guitar in this.
-Yes, me too.
-Crumbles doesn’t, though, apparently.
-(Side chat now yells «FUUU» at Crumbles)
-Who are all these people?
-Nevermind them.
-… whatever you say
-(20% of the time)
-Oh, clever you.
-This is another one of the songs I feel I really need to hear in better quality.
-If you people are up to it, we’ll do a second runthrough, with lyric sheets, once we get the actual album?
-Sorry, just had to beat you to it.
-Stupid you.
-This made me throw a Placebo-infused giggle.
-More clapping.
-There are many instances of random clapping, violin and synthesisterish sound on this album.
-I think it adds fluidity to it all
-Which is important, seeing that there is a thematic unity here
-…. which exceeds clappng and violins.
-I really feel as if I can relate to this song.
-Me too.
-… I think we both know why.
-Chat: None of your business.
-Unless you already are too well-informed.
-Gasp! The radical radical honesty shut off!
-… it cut me off early
-«Don’t leave me here» *Snap*
-… let’s listen to the last track again.
-By the way, have they changed the beginning of Battle for the Sun?
-I think it sounded somewhat odd
-Hm, I think you might be right, it could have been a tad more direct now
-We’ll have to look into that.
-This has more of that spanish-ish flavour.
-okay, let’s compare intros.
-I’d say the drum part in the beginning is a big lower.
-Yeah, I think that’s it.
-Anyway… I guess that’s it!
-Seems like people want another runthroug, so I guess we’ll see you all next week.

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